TPD Compliance

Vape Globe's UK offerings are fully compliant with TPD (Tobacco Products Directive) Regulations. Learn more below about TPD, its implications for tobacco and vaping products, and how it affects vapers.

Understanding TPD

The Tobacco Products Directive (2014/14/EU) is an EU initiative to regulate tobacco products, their advertising, and sales methods. Its aim is to enhance health protection and awareness around tobacco products. TPD encompasses all aspects of tobacco production and sales, including manufacture, retail locations, display methods, packaging, and sales practices.

TPD's Scope

TPD regulations cover all tobacco products such as rolling tobacco, cigarettes, and cigars, as well as vaping technology and e-liquids. These rules ensure that ingredients are tested and clearly displayed on packaging. TPD also governs tobacco usage locations and taxation.

TPD and Vaping

Vaping products fall under TPD since they often contain nicotine derived from tobacco plants. Even synthetic nicotine products are subject to TPD regulations due to their nicotine content.

TPD Implementation

Established in May 2014, TPD became law on May 20, 2016. This required vaping retailers to clear non-compliant stock by this date, leading to changes in available brands and e-liquid sales methods.

TPD Regulations Impact on Vaping Key TPD regulations include:

  • E-cigarette tanks (including pods and disposables) can hold a maximum of 2ml of e-liquid.
  • E-liquid bottles with nicotine are capped at 10ml.
  • The strongest nicotine e-liquid available is 20mg per ml.
  • All nicotine e-liquids must be in child-resistant packaging.
  • Prohibition of caffeine and taurine in products.
  • Mandatory nicotine content warnings on packaging.
  • MHRA approval required for all e-cigarettes and e-liquids before sale.

Vape Globe's Compliance Efforts

Vape Globe ensures full TPD compliance. All our tanks adhere to the 2ml limit, and our e-liquids are MHRA certified as TPD compliant. Our products are free from taurine, caffeine, and diacetyl. Packaging lists all ingredients and includes nicotine warnings.

For newcomers to vaping or those with queries about TPD, feel free to contact us for more information.